The Soul Conveys Itself in Shadow is the 2024 Independent Publisher Book Awards Bronze Winner!

Stenen Press is thrilled to announce that The Soul Conveys Itself in Shadow / El alma se mueve en la sombra won a bronze medal at the Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY Awards) for the Poetry-Specialty category.

Special congratulations to our editors and contributors for their outstanding work! We could not be more proud of this accomplishment.

What they say about the winners:

“What we really love about these award-winning books is their dedication not just to quality writing and publishing, but also their willingness to go beyond the confines of traditional publishing. Each year’s IPPY Award-winning titles represent a list of authors, editors, publishers, illustrators and photographers who aren’t afraid of change and that’s why their wonderful, heartfelt, and inspired writing and publishing is so worthy of our awards.”

The complete list of 2024 IPPY Awards winners can be found here.

About IPPY Awards:

“Conducted annually, the Independent Publisher Book Awards honor the year’s best independently published titles from around the world. The awards are intended to bring increased recognition to the thousands of exemplary independent, university, and self-published books released each year.

The IPPY Awards reward those who exhibit the courage, innovation, and creativity to bring about change in the world of publishing. Independent spirit and expertise comes from publishers of all sizes and budgets and books are judged with that in mind. Gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded to winners in national subject categories, regional categories, and e-book categories.”

Translation as friendship. Translation in a fractured world. The Soul Conveys Itself in Shadow / El alma se mueve en la sombra offers dazzling imagery, original poetry, mutual translations, and collaborative essays. Swimming across borders, histories, and echoes, this groundbreaking anthology features creative partnerships that celebrate translation as equitable, intimate, and necessary.

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