The Stenen Press Award 2022: Submit Now!

It's not too late! Deadline extended to July 15th

We welcome non-English-language writers to submit their manuscripts for the second annual Stenen Press Award. We seek poetry and short-form literary writing of all kinds and are eager to hear from writers who would like to see their work translated and set into a richly visual book. The winner receives a $2000 award and publication of their book.

The jury is grateful and excited for the opportunity to engage thoughtfully with your work.


May 1 – June 30, 2022
Extended to JULY 15
  1. ¿Escribe en un idioma que no sea el inglés?
  2. ¿Tiene un manuscrito completo y original?
  3.  ¿Quiere traducir su trabajo y convertirlo en un libro ricamente visual?
  4.  ¿Quieres ganar $ 2000 USD y la publicación de su libro?

Si respondió SÍ a las cuatro preguntas, lo invitamos a enviar su libro como postulación para el premio Stenen Press.

Buscamos poesía y textos literarios de forma breve de todo tipo.

El período de entrega de obras comienza el 1 de mayo y cierra el 30 de junio a las 11:59 p.m. EST.

El ganador será notificado a más tardar el 30 de septiembre por correo electrónico.

El envío de su trabajo no tiene costo.

En caso de cualquier duda o consulta, favor contáctense con nosotros.

Your manuscript must be complete, be original work, and be in a language other than English. Manuscripts are usually between 20–80 pages. Submissions must also include a sample of the original manuscript (25%) translated into English. These translations, which can be sampled from any part of the book, should be representative of the project as a whole. 

Please note that Stenen Press does not accept submissions outside the Award period.