The Stenen Press Award 2022: Submit Now!

It's not too late! Deadline extended to July 15th

We welcome non-English-language writers to submit their manuscripts for the second annual Stenen Press Award. We seek poetry and short-form literary writing of all kinds and are eager to hear from writers who would like to see their work translated and set into a richly visual book. The winner receives a $2000 award and publication of their book.

The jury is grateful and excited for the opportunity to engage thoughtfully with your work.


May 1 – June 30, 2022
Extended to JULY 15

1. 영어 이외의 언어로 글을 쓰십니까?
2. 당신만의 작품 원고가 있으십니까?
3. 당신의 작품이 (여러 언어로 번역되고 전문가의 손길이 닿길
4. 2000불의 상금과 작품 출판을 원하십니까?
네 가지 질문에 모두 ‘예’라고 답하셨다면, Stenen Press 공모전에 귀하의 작품을
제출 기한은 5월 1일부터 6월 30일 오후 11:59 (동부표준시)까지 입니다.
시, (수필, 단편소설 등) 다양한 단편 문학작품을 찾습니다.
수상자는 9월 30일 이메일로 통보됩니다.
작품 제출 비용은 없습니다.
기타 질문 사항이 있으시면 연락바랍니다.

Your manuscript must be complete, be original work, and be in a language other than English. Manuscripts are usually between 20–80 pages. Submissions must also include a sample of the original manuscript (25%) translated into English. These translations, which can be sampled from any part of the book, should be representative of the project as a whole. 

Please note that Stenen Press does not accept submissions outside the Award period.