Carolina Gómez-Montoya
Carolina Gómez-Montoya is a writer, translator and professor living between Spanish, English and French. They hold a PhD in Latin American and Peninsular Literature and they are a faculty member of the Language and Thinking Program at Bard College and at the Young Writer’s Workshop at Simon’s Rock. Carolina’s writing appears in Literal: Latin American Voices/Voces Latinoamericanas; ¡Basta! Mujeres colombianas contra la violencia de género; and the Oregon Humanities magazine. In 2020, they co-founded Crear Colectivo, in hopes of using language as a tool to promote solidarity, empathy, equity and the full participation of communities that have traditionally been excluded by institutions. They are currently based in Paris where they are engaged in a writing program at the Université de Paris 8 and working on a creative project devoted to the question of language and recognition.